Monday, 12 November 2012


Mumsnet BlogFest 2012

My multi tasking skills and ability to juggle my ‘portfolio career’ have been pushed to the limits in the last few days. So much so, that at 11pm on Friday night I was actually questioning whether I should attend Blogfest after all.

 The guilt of not having been around all week for Teen V, still in bed with Glandular Fever, due to a crazy mix of filming and teaching was troubling me. 

Surely I shouldn’t leave her alone again?

This week has been bad enough with 15 hour days but that was work, blogfest, is just fun... me time....

Why are motherhood and guilt are so intertwined?

Luckily I followed my instincts and made it in time for Miriam Gonzalez Durante’s fantastic opening key note speech.

Thank you Mumsnet she was brilliant. Just what we all needed to kick start the exciting, interesting and useful day.

I haven’t been to any Mumsnet or blogging events and I have to admit I was slightly dubious. I didn’t know anyone else going and didn’t know what to expect. But it was great. Most people were in the same boat and I had lots of interesting chats with a range of people.

Over coffee the woman I was chatting to confessed she felt close to tears as Miriam talked. She was so articulate and spoke to all of us. With anecdotes from her family life and about what it is to be a woman around the world.

The same can’t be said for Liz Jones, who appalled most of the audience and then wrote a bitchy and inaccurate article in the Daily Mail about Blogfest. She came across as arrogant, bitter and lonely. Her sneery comments and rant did serve a purpose though, I went to lunch appreciating my life choices, which didn’t feel so bad after all, and thankful that at least I wasn’t her.

The whole day was superbly organized- what else would you expect from the great Mumsnet team! The speakers entertaining and interesting, the sessions and clinics useful, and the chance to meet other bloggers face to face- a real treat!

I came home full of cheese and bubbles, thank you British Cheese Board. For the record my favourite was the vintage cheddar...  I tried them all several times!

I have enjoyed flicking through The Seasonal Cookbook from Bonne Maman  and will be testing some of their recipes and the British Cheese Boards recipe ideas when I have finished Caitlin Moran’s book moranthology, which reads just as she speaks, and I’m finding unputdownable!!

So thank you again to Mumsnet for a great day and hello to all of the lovely bloggers I met there.

This isn’t a recipe linked blog for once as I haven’t been around enough to cook...However, I did have delicious turkey mince spag bol whilst on set filming for


check out the website and IMDb page

And am about to tuck into a slice of chocolate and hazelnut cake taken from the Great British Bake Off  - How to Bake cookbook with Teen V. 

Not sure this is particularly immune boosting for her but I’m sure the dark chocolate and hazelnuts are good for something!!

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